Other title(s): [AUSTRO-HUNGARIANS IN PRZEMYSL 1] [Allocated]
Year: 1915
Runtime: 13 mins
Description: Views of the destroyed fortress show fallen masonry blocks and dismounted guns. Austro-Hungarian and German troops move through the ruins. Austro-Hungarian transport, including bridge-building equipment and a 305mm heavy howitzer (transported in two main sections) moves down a road. The 305mm howitzer is assembled and fired. An officer at a table in a dugout computes the firing angle, as the howitzer continues its bombardment. Back in the fortress, Austro-Hungarian and German troops pile up captured smallarms. More Austro-Hungarian troops cross the San River by a pontoon bridge. Cavalry lead the advance through Przemysl town, which is comparatively undamaged. Refugees with their carts make their way along the roads. German soldiers leave the cathedral (?) following a service of thanksgiving for the fall of Przemysl held on 3rd June.
Hungarian film of Przemysl and its environs after the Russian retreat, Eastern Front, June 1915.
Keywords: EFG1914 / World War I / Austro-Hungarian Army / Imperial German Army / defences, Russian - emplacement: fortress & [captured] & [wrecked] / transport, Austro-Hungarian military - animal special: bridging cart / weapons, Austro-Hungarian - gun: 305mm howitzer / operations, Austro-Hungarian military - movement: road / combat, Austro-Hungarian - artillery bombardment / spoils, Austro-Hungarian / spoils, German / refugees, Russian - flight / refugees, Polish - flight / buildings, Russian - religious: cathedral / 01/3(4-11).4 / Russia & Russian Poland & Przemysl / Russia & Russian Poland & Przemysl area / Russia & Russian Poland & San River
Provider: Imperial War Museums
Rights: In Copyright / Imperial War Museums
Colour: Black & White
Sound: Without sound
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